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While no single law can secure anyone from the impact of a pandemic, having the ERA in place is a crucial longterm step.

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Of-the-moment breaking news and quick, quirky pieces.

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With one drawing, an artist summed up how Mister Rogers would — and many do — feel in the wake of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh.

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For the regulars at Fort Lauderdale's venerable Elbo Room, every day is like a family reunion.

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Experiences of former Western New Yorkers — as well as my own — in the throes of Irma.

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A writer (ME!) looks into what makes New York bagels — especially at her favorite spot — so special.

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In high school, a computer coding wunderkind was offered his dream job — at Facebook. (My first A1 story for The Buffalo News.)

Family Fare

The newest Padrino's has a modern look while keeping the rich, familiar cuban heritage.

How to Make It as a Professional Dog Walker in Bushwick

It sounds like a dream, but it’s a lot more than playing with puppies all day.


Robert Battle, artistic director for the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, weighs in on his Miami roots and leading such a legendary company.


From afar, acroyoga looks intimidating and rather uncomfortable. A closer look reveals a safe type of fitness that can be done anywhere.

What's in a Name?

For Louie Bossi, it's the restaurant reward at the end of a challenging journey.

A Mighty Love Story

A Cheektowaga couple is on a mission to dine at all of the Buff-Mex restaurant’s 24 locations.


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Discovering the Deep Blue Sea

Shuttle across Fort Lauderdale's famed waterways in a new, eco-minded tour.
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